Saturday, May 28, 2011

鶴岡八幡宮のお守り A Charm from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu

If you've gone to Kamakura and seen only two sites, chances are you visited the Daibutsu in southern Kamakura and the shrine in the city. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, called Hachimangu for short, is the shrine in the city. Bright and colorful in the summertime, in order to get to the main shrine you have to pass through a promenade of shops and stalls. Definitely lots of fun.

This important Shinto shrine was founded in 1063, but moved by Minamoto Yoritomo during the Kamakura Shogunate. The last of the Minamoto was murdered beneath the gigantic ginko tree near the shrine, bringing the famous Kamakura Shogunate to an end. I've heard this ginko tree was uprooted in a storm last year. I hope it's okay.

This is a fairly basic omamori. Nothing special. It has the Hachimangu crest on the front, and I'm keeping a sticking with the name on the back so I don't forget. I like the lovely green color of the cord and the omamori itself. I think it goes nicely with the gold of the bell and the trim.

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