Wednesday, May 25, 2011

清水寺のお守り A Charm from Kiyomizu Temple


This is the first omamori I purchased in Kyoto. I don't know why the design is cherry blossoms, because I remember the huge hydrangea at Kiyomizu. But I had been there in the summer, so maybe that's why I remember the hydrangea more. Despite this being one of my favorite locations in Kyoto, this is actually one of my least favorite charms. There isn't much selection at Kiyomizu.


Kiyomizu temple was founded in 798, and the current structures were built in 1633. Kiyomizu is famous for its drinkable spring and waterfall, as well as its beautiful view of Kyoto.

Scenes from Kiyomizu Temple. Views of the main deck from the pathways (upper left and right). Kiyomizu was built in the mountains and the deck of the temple is supported by columns made entirely of wood (lower left). School children wander the deck during their spring vacation (lower right). 

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